Friday 13th got me bad

So I know I was sopposed to talk about the bloody Hutt River province today, but I haven't got the energy to write about it just now. I will however tell you that I swam right into a big bunch of jellyfish or stingers as they call them over here, yesterday. Painfull it was; as Yoda would have said.

It wasn't exactly that type of jellyfish but you get what I am trying to say/show.

p.s thanks for all the nice comments, warmed my jellystung heart up a bit! d.s

Postat av: Anonym


Det var otur! Hoppas Du är bättre nu. Jag läser Din blogg regelbundet och tycker det är jättekul att följa Dig. Det är roligt att Du lägger in så mycket bilder också. Här har det regnet hela da'n. grått och tråkigt. Då är det kul att se Dina bilder, men man blir ju lite avis också... Hälsa Fran. Kram Kerstin

2009-11-14 @ 19:35:55
Postat av: Dounya

Nej, usch. Stackare :(


2009-11-14 @ 20:47:50
Postat av: Anonym

..hope you're feeling better now after the jellyfish encounter.. was dezzie dog with you when you swam? wher's your next ozzie trip going to take you? x dad

2009-11-15 @ 10:42:54
Postat av: Anonym

Hi Fie, so sorry to hear about the stings :-(( How many stings did you get? Did you wee on them, apparently the best cure is urine :-) no its true !!!!! Hope you feel better soon

Was Dezzie with you ??

Look forward to when we can chat again on the phone, bloody france telecom have not yet decided to put the line in, apparently our appt is in the nale of someone else, so causes confusion somewhat !!!

2009-11-15 @ 12:22:16
Postat av: inara

Hoppas Du blivit av med smärtorna från de elaka maneterna!! Hört attde icke är att leka med - fast de är vackra


2009-11-18 @ 15:49:41

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