"So im moving to New York 'cause I've got problems with my sleep.."

Well im not moving, not to New York anyway, and I haven't got problems with my sleep. Im moving to Perth! Yes sir, I am. Only for two weeks, but still! Big city life here I come.

One week from now I will be in the Townsend Lodge in Perth. So great! I am going to explore the city, and hopefully talk to all those cute guys that will be my neighbours in the lodge :)

Well, let me explain. I have actually allready been to the lodge, I have a friend from Switzerland who is living there and she showed me round the other night. That's when I feasted my eyes on all the handome lads haha.

Unfortunatley my swiss friend will be moving out when I am moving in.. But you can't have everything.

So that's good news. I allso noticed that a few people are asking me about Desi and if she was infact with me in the water when I got stung by jellyfish. I really don't understand the relevance of that question since jellyfish have no effect on dogs whatsoever, but yes, Desi was with me. Second of all, about the urine; I did ask Fran as we were leaving the beach: "So when are you going to wee on me then?" but it really did not go down well my friends.

"So im moving to New York 'cause I've got problems with my sleep; looks like christmas came early, christmas came early; for me"   // The Wombats

Postat av: Carmen

aahhh vad kul :D

när ska du till sidney med pauling då?

hahah klart jag kommenterar, nörden som jag är haha :D

det går la bra. har inte letat så mkt familjer o så på senatste som jag måste ta körkortt innan men nu har ag fått en uppkörningstid så efter det kommer jag börja igen så det blir snart jag åker hihih :D så satans kul :P

2009-11-16 @ 11:12:01
URL: http://carmendeleaumelby.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

miss u, c u soon x

2009-11-18 @ 23:51:45
Postat av: olivia

du är rolig du :)

Hoppas de blir kul!

2009-11-20 @ 00:09:06
URL: http://bacio.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Well there you go I never knew thats jellyfish did not have an effect on dogs!!Is this a well known fact ? :-))))

So Fie tell more about the lodge, are you not working? Sounds complicated to me, will it be like a holiday?

Hope you are both well and that your stings are better :-)

Love u lots


2009-11-21 @ 10:24:12

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