Day in town

So today we have been to town and looked around. Went to a really nice cafe opposite the university in Freo wich I much enjoyed. There is apparently free wireless internet there so I might go there sometime next week and take my computer with me. As it is now I am using Frans computer so in order to show you pictures and stuff I would need to have some wireless internet.

After we had been in town I went for a walk with Des, the dog, to the beach and that was really nice. Its a beach with loads of dogs and I love it (allthough pobably not as much as my dad who is still going on about it and he was here allmost a year ago haha). 

Im still quite jetlagged unfortunatley so I sleep most of the time. I will just be taking it easy through september I think and then find a job or something so I soppose this "blogg" buisness will be a lot more fun when I start to gp out more and do things, but at least I have started to write wich is good cause im usually pretty crap at these things ... hehe 
Fremantle itself is a really nice place. People here are so happy and they allways say Hello and stuff wich I am still not used to. It's very different from Sweden in the sence that people here are a lot more sociable with strangers.

During the weekend we might be going to the Perth Zoo (hope so!) cause as most of you probably know I really love animals haha and I would enjoy so much to see some kangaroos and koalas.
                                                                               Not all kangaroos are this nice

Postat av: Carmen

AVUNDSJUK jagär so! blääää

vad tror du att du vill jobba med där nere? något som du redan tänkt på elelr typ du tar det du får?

börja någon kurs eller så för o få vänner :D det hjälper ofta D:


2009-08-28 @ 14:45:18
Postat av: Sophie


nej jag vet inte annu men jag tror det blit ganska latt att skaffa jobb verkar vara ratt manga cafeer som soker folk tex men vi far se vad det blir.. Jag raknar med att fa vanner nar jag borjar jobba haha men jag har traffat en schysst tjej idag som kanske har lite kontakter. Nar kommer du hit da ?

2009-08-29 @ 13:42:47

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